Agenda Item: | 9.
| Agenda Title: | Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on Ordinance No. 500 to amend the Thoroughfare Plan included within the “Our Bee Cave 2037 Comprehensive Plan,” with regard to future Neighborhood Collector roadways known as the “Southwest Collector” and “Hamilton Pool Road Extension."
| Council Action:
| Department: | Planning and Development
| Staff Contact: | E. Megan Will, Director of Planning & Development
To hold a Public Hearing, discuss, and consider action on Ordinance 500 amending the Thoroughfare Plan.
a) Background
On January 25, 2023 City Council accepted the Feasibility Study Report for the Hamilton Pool Road Alternative Access Study and discussed changes to Thoroughfare Plan including removing access from the future Neighborhood Collector roadway to Cueva Drive in the vicinity of Avispa Way (“the Cueva Drive Connection”), adding a Neighborhood Collector roadway connecting Hamilton Pool Road to Great Divide Drive, and configuration of the intersection of Hamilton Pool Road and the new Neighborhood Collector roadways as depicted in Option 2 of the Feasibility Study Report.
On February 14, 2023 City Council unanimously passed Resolution No. 2023-02 authorizing the City Manager to initiate the process to amend the Thoroughfare Plan included within the “Our Bee Cave 2037 Comprehensive Plan."
b) Issues and Analysis
The proposed Thoroughfare Plan Amendment is necessary to further the following Comprehensive Plan Goals:
Comprehensive Plan Mobility Goal 1 states: “Bee Cave should aggressively pursue opportunities to connect roadways with collectors (by planning for it through their Thoroughfare Plan and ensuring City Council strongly follows its intent to provide these additional connections) to allow SH 71 to operate as a regional facility.”
Comprehensive Plan Mobility Goal 2.3 states: “Meet “adequacy” standards (i.e., acceptable levels of service) for the transportation system in the City, by evaluating the impacts of new development appropriately, monitoring development progress to ensure mitigation improvements are provided according to the original plan, and partnering closely with TxDOT for needed on-system improvements.”
Comprehensive Plan Mobility Goal M2 states: “Include transportation system considerations in the development review process, in addition to the Major Thoroughfare Plan, for the planning and alignment of future roadways, and to promote safe, efficient on- and off-site access and vehicular circulation and improve the integration of land use and transportation in the City.”
The overall effect of the proposed Amendments is discussed in detail in the Feasibility Study Report, which was reviewed and accepted by City Council at the January 25, 2023 meeting. In summary, increased connectivity, reduced travel times for local trips, increased safety of access to Bee Cave Elementary School, and reduced reliance on the TxDOT regional highway network.
The effects of the proposed Amendment those specific properties adjacent to the proposed future Neighborhood Collector are right-of-way dedication and increased access. The effect of the Amendment on those specific properties within the Bee Cave West subdivision, where the future connection from Cueva Drive to the future Southwest Collector is being removed, is a lack of future access and interconnectivity.
Prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on 2/21/2023, the Save Our Springs Alliance sent the attached public comment regarding the proposed Thoroughfare Plan Amendment to the Commissioners.
Amount Requested | | | Fund/Account No. | | Cert. Obligation | | | GO Funds | | Other source | | | Grant title
| | Addtl tracking info | |
Staff recommends approval of Ordinance 500. The Planning and Zoning Commission considered the Ordinance at the 2/21/2023 meeting and voted to recommend approval with three members voting approval, one voting denial and one abstention.